Cambridge First (FCE) Class

Cambridge First (FCE) Exam Preparation Class

RELA’s Cambridge First class will help you prepare for the Cambridge First (FCE) exam. This exam is a test of your general English. The qualification is recognised worldwide: employers in Europe, Asia and South America will see a pass at FCE level as a sign that you can communicate with people from all over the world in English.  It is the most popular of the Cambridge exams, and is taken by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world each year. For more information about the class have a look at the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations website For more information on educational institutes worldwide who recognise the Cambridge exams click here

At RELA, our Cambridge First class will take you through all the skills you will need to do well in the exam.  You will be in a small and very focused class, with a teacher who understands how to help you with the key requirements of the test.

It’s not all hard work, though!  There is also time for fun and communicative tasks, and of course there is the unique RELA social programme to enjoy in your spare time.


Please contact the school for information on our next class.

Self Study:

For all exam classes, we offer you after school specialised self-study hours at these times:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 3.30 ~ 5.00

RELA’s self-study tutors are very well trained in supporting exam students. They can give you practice tests, find out what you most need and then support you with targeted study materials. The self-study tutors work closely with the DOS and your exam class teacher to make sure your needs are met.

There is a strong expectation that exam class students make the most of self-study!

Enrol here and get ready to start your Cambridge First class!
