Your First Day

It is not long now until you arrive in Rotorua.  Thank you for choosing to come and study with us. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming you into our RELA family. We are sure you will have an excellent time and learn a lot of very useful English.

Our Pre-departure Manual will help answer a lot of questions you may have about studying with us and about arriving in New Zealand. 

We have an online test for you to take to assess your English level. After you have paid your school fees, we will send you a link to complete this online. Please complete the test before you arrive at school.

On your first morning at RELA, please come to the school office before 8.30am.  You will meet Jan, our School Manager and our Student Services Team. They will look after you for the morning and take you through an orientation programme. This will include an introduction to our school and to Rotorua. This is an excellent time for you to get to know the other new students who are starting.

Please bring:

  • something to write with,
  • your passport,
  • your visa (if you have a student or work visa)
  • insurance.

You will also receive a detailed orientation pack. This contains:

  • Details of RELA support services, including the School Counsellor, the Homestay Counsellor and counsellors who can talk to a student in his/her own language
  • Internal and external grievance procedures
  • Information on class levels
  • Attendance and attendance warning policies
  • The refunds policy
  • Information about school facilities and procedures
  • Information about services and facilities available in Rotorua
  • A Student Health Handbook with information about what to do if you are sick.
  • Conditions of enrolment
  • Safety procedures
  • A stationery pack
  • Other information about RELA

All of us will take very good care of you and make sure you soon feel at home.

We look forward to seeing you soon.
